Wednesday, August 14, 2013

marketing via instagram

my instagram:

instagram is owned by facebook, as a result both platforms are interlinked with each other. one can post from instagram directly to facebook, tumblr, and four square with one click. facebook is one of the better social marketing tools for entrepreneurs and instagram is also rising in popularity. it makes much sense to have both.

some basics of instagram
 the platform can be used from your computer, iphone, or android. 

designing your instagram; follow the same rules as designing for other social networking sites. you want to focus primarily on your business; however you also want to demonstrate a bit about your personality. the reason for this is that people get bored with you shoving business in their face all the time. your clients and potential clients want to know a bit about your personality.  

 tools to manage instagram (all free)

there are multiple tools for managing instagram, some are used to see who follow and unfollow you and so forth. i don't concern myself with that because it is is a waste of time for the most part, and has little to do with bringing in revenue. i have a business to run and time is precious. though the more people are aware of your brand the more likely you are to be successful. you will have to figure out the balance for yourself.

i do however use instasize, since instagram offers a 640x640 pixel window. instasize re-sizes your images to fit the window. also picstich which makes 2 or more pics into a collage.

hashtags: allow you to reach a wider audience, so i strongly suggest using them. the key is to increase brand awareness. if you are a wedding photographer who posted a bridal pic one of your hashtags that can be used is #bride among many others.  a potential bride who searches clicks on #bride hashtag will be able to find you.

video: as of wed august  7th, 2013 instagram is now allowing you to upload pre-recorded videos. which means you can showcase your business with show reels.  the specifics for the video is that has to be no more than 15 secs long and 640x640 pixels.  

here is an example of a video i showcased on instagram for of some personal work  which also markets my business

keep kewl!

harrisburg, pa wedding photographer

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